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ZURN – Z415 – Floor Drain with Heel-Proof_Type B Strainer_Neo-Loc



Our Zurn-hosted floor drain contains nested families allowing for the placement of drains by its grate or its flange level with the concrete. If the drain is in a mechanical closet, its grate can be flush with the finish floor, but if it is to be used as a shower drain or in areas where there are topping slabs, you can place it with the flange level with the concrete to allow for grate adjustments. Additionally, this drain assembly also allows the user to turn on Zurn stabilizers Z1035 & Z1035Q for prefabrication and easy field installation. If the user chooses to use the drain stabilizer, the built-in parameters can be easily be reported for both the all-treaded rod and the stabilizer pipe makeup lengths. Furthermore, all the suffixes on the submittal sheets are included in the “General” section of the Properties pallet for easy scheduling on your deliverable drawings. And just in case you feel you are not getting enough with this family we are also including an embedded APL point and Victuctic placement point for your convenience to report to your robotic layout machines.


Version Number: 1

Version Description: Released for Download

Know Issues: None

Manufacture Website for Free Download:

Please note if you choose to use the link the provided link for download from the manufacturer’s website, be advised that none of the functionality shown or described by ValorVDC families will be present, and neither will our scheduling parameters. You joined and/or brought our parts to make your workflows inside Revit easier, not harder, and for our dynamic scheduling capabilities.


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