Actual Revit Image

IMI FLOW DESIGN – Cast-Iron Flanged Strainer



Our representation of the IMI Flow Design Cast-Iron Strainer Revit family is designed to be used in construction design, coordination, and fabrication drawings. Furthermore, we show a clearance zone for removal & cleaning the strainer and with options to turn on the side test ports as shown in their documentation for this device.



Version Number: 1

Version Description: Released for Download

Know Issues: Unfortunately, the manufacturer doesn’t provide good dimensional information on their product for me to guarantee the accuracy of this family’s measurement to be within 32nd of an inch, this family will still work for coordination and Fabrication purposes.

Manufacture Website for Free Download: This manufacturer does not offer Revit Family

Please note if you choose to use the link the provided link for download from the manufacturer’s website, be advised that none of the functionality shown or described by ValorVDC families will be present, and neither will our scheduling parameters. You joined and/or brought our parts to make your workflows inside Revit easier, not harder, and for our dynamic scheduling capabilities.


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